
As we move into the digital age, it's essential to be clear about what we do and don't do at AIStudentGPT.com. We want to make sure you understand our website's limitations and how you should use the information and services we provide. So, here's our simple disclaimer to lay it all out.

Accuracy and Information

At AIStudentGPT.com, we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information to assist you with your AI-related questions and concerns. However, please remember that the field of artificial intelligence is continually evolving, and the information we offer may not always reflect the latest developments.

Not Professional Advice

The content on our website is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional advice, whether it's related to education, career choices, or any other topic. Always consult with a qualified expert or seek guidance from relevant authorities when making important decisions.

User Responsibility

When you use AIStudentGPT.com, you accept full responsibility for any actions you take based on the information you find here. We cannot be held liable for any consequences resulting from your decisions or actions taken after using our website.

External Links

Our website may contain links to external websites for your convenience. However, we do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of the information on those sites. Be sure to review the terms and policies of any external websites you visit.

No Warranties

AIStudentGPT.com makes no warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided on our website. We do our best, but we can't promise perfection.

Content Changes

We reserve the right to modify, update, or remove content on AIStudentGPT.com at any time without prior notice. The information you find here may not always be current or available.


We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Please review our privacy policy to understand how we collect, use, and safeguard your data when you visit our website.

Use at Your Own Risk

In summary, AIStudentGPT.com is a helpful resource, but it's not a one-stop solution for your AI-related needs. Use the information here as a starting point, but exercise caution and seek professional guidance when necessary.

By accessing and using AIStudentGPT.com, you agree to this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns about our disclaimer or our website's content, please feel free to contact us. We're here to assist you to the best of our abilities within the scope of this disclaimer.

Thank you for choosing AIStudentGPT.com, and we hope you find our website informative and valuable.